
by Rasmus Eo Clarke

comic | 2 min read

introductory note from the artist: This comic illustration was inspired by a workshop - discussion with the Swedish sexual health organisation, RFSU. I wanted to create a comic that addressed the complexity of sexual intimacy and consent whilst being trans. 

the comic depicts an intimate interaction between two people, one of whom is trans and is questioning whether to share this with the other. the comic is drawn in black and white with thin lines to depict the people and delicate shading using multipl…

about Rasmus Eo Clarke (they/them) (pronomen: Hen)

Rasmus, a white person with circular glasses and a shaved head, sits on the floor of what looks like a parking lot. the walls they lean against are dirty and white and they wear all black including big boots.

I think we are in need of a collective rethinking of art. We are bombarded with so many images and I wonder… who is missing? So many of the images we are flooded with are encoded with a certain body type. Representation matters. As a queer, trans and disabled person i know how it feels to be invisible. In queer spaces I feel seen. I feel tenderness, togetherness and connection. These spaces are rare and something to be treasured. My wish is to recreate these feelings with visuals that center queer and trans people. I am Rasmus. I am an artist, illustrator, diy tattoo artist and wannabe graphic designer who really loves
rocks and minerals.


I have never felt safer than in queer community spaces, like in the stockholm based bar Bitter Pills (which has since shut down) or the art- and club collective Fake Daughter. I feel togetherness and connection with my community. I scan the room and see friendly faces. I see friends and strangers, who are somehow not strangers because we have this thing that pulls us together. I could never feel lonely in that space. There is just so much tenderness and community care. I am free to feel and express my emotions and communicate my needs. These spaces are rare and something to be treasured.

It’s hard to deconstruct what gender is learnt and how you're adapting to fit in a binary and ableist world rather than questioning your feelings as a trans and disabled person. I am still searching for a physical and artistic space to exist and create in. To create visualisations to help us feel fearless and free of discrimation in a cis-hetero-patriarchal world. Follow me to find out more… @lava.lines


Dead Bodies


Boyhood Karaoke